Saturday, September 28, 2019

Research a current wireless networking trend Paper

A current wireless networking trend - Research Paper Example IFIED as the latest in wireless networking technology suitable for small size enterprise presenting its advantages and weaknesses as well as its contribution to the wireless security. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED addresses the significant requirements of an enterprise that the previous wireless technologies did not cater for. Voice over-Wi-Fi, for instance, is a valuable and fundamental enterprise application. (Bertrand, 2012) Wi-Fi CERTIFIED as a wireless networking technology supports data and voice simultaneously as well as a more comprehensive coverage throughout the enterprise. The adoption of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED by an enterprise will ensure a high and unpredictable user density as compared to the previous low scale Wi-Fi technologies which are basically data oriented and support low user densities. As companies expand their wireless networks and embrace voice applications, the need for a more advanced Wi-Fi technology such as Wi-Fi CERTIFIED becomes a fundamental priority in order to keep up with the competition given its advantages over the previous wireless networking technologies. (Bertrand, 2012) Wi-Fi CERTIFIED eliminates the limited coverage presented by the previous wireless networking technology. The wide coverage presented by Wi-Fi CERTIFIED is sufficient for continuous connectivity required by the voice applications hence seamless mobility which allows users staying connected without the need of disconnection even when they are on the move. (Gast, 2005) In addition to improved coverage and capacity as discussed, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED also enables voice support that improves the quality of service, an enterprise requirement neglected by the previous Wi-Fi technologies. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED has the ability to distinguish between data traffic and voice traffic. It does this by not prioritizing voice packets over data packets, but equally transmitting the two packets at the same time ensuring that voice clients receive their medium when required. (Gast, 2005) Furthermore,

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